12 July, 2010

Dinner's on me!

1. A state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream

I have been daydreaming about starting a food blog for two years. Tomorrow, on my 32nd birthday, I will post my first recipe. But today, I just wanted to provide some insight about me and the reverie I have been caught in for a couple of years.

I love food and I like my food to be colorful and simple. I am not a chef and sometimes not even a cook. My meals can be as simple as a salad or sandwich from ingredients that happen to be in my fridge or pantry.

It breaks my heart to throw food away (thanks mom) and often I am serving a dish inspired from leftovers and produce that is a step away from the compost bin/trash. Once I identify possible ingredients I search for ideas from my favorite blogs and websites. If a recipe uses an ingredient I don't have or uses too many pots/pans/tools,  I change it. I dislike measuring so I rarely bake. Because I don't measure it's hard to write recipes; however, I will provide an idea of measurement with room for adjustment. I view cooking as an art not a science and think we should always adjust to our preferences. I am not a vegetarian; however, I rarely cook meat dishes at this time in my life when fresh and seasonal produce is readily available to me. At another time in my life when said ingredients are not available, my recipes will likely adapt.

Four years ago, I rarely cooked or thought about cooking. Then I met my husband and we moved to California. I don't know exactly how it happened but before I knew it I was making dishes that made him say "wow" and this made me happy. While working diligently at my dayjob, I daydream about creating dinner and the weekends farmer's market.

This blog is my daydream. Enjoy!