26 January, 2011

Crispy Wedge Potatoes

When I was in college as a desperate attempt to lose 10 lbs, I did what any normal college girl would do. No, I didn’t cut out alcohol or drive thru windows, I turned to Dr. Atkins. For those of you who don’t know  Dr. Atkins, he invented the quick weight loss solution of cutting out ALL carbohydrates. So for two weeks, I put my roommates through hell because when you deplete your body of ALL carbs you become CRAZY. The day my roommates came home and found me basically licking the peanut butter jar clean (well bc I couldn’t have bread or apples) they demanded I call it quits. As soon as I touched a piece of bread to my lips, I instantly gained back the 6 or so pounds I lost. True story.

Now that I am older and much wiser, I understand the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates and their place in the balanced diet. And so today I share with you my favorite thing to do with a potato. You can use this as a side dish with almost anything you are having (breakfast burritos, steak on the grill, veggie burgers) just don’t forget to also have a side of greens.

Any kind of potatoes will do in this recipe; however, I often use the waxy  potatoes (red, new, yellow) instead of the russet as in my experience you can get a better crisp on them.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees.Wash potatoes and cut into uniform wedges .Toss with olive oil and seasoning of choice. Spread them out on a greased cookie sheet and roast for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven and use a spatula to flip them over and stir them around. Roast for another 20-30 minutes. Remove from oven and serve. Simple.

.*Note: They will get crispier if you give them room to breath on the cookie sheet instead of piling them on top of each other.  You can also put them in the microwave for about 4 minutes to get rid of their moisture content before roasting.